Information About Hair Loss

All hair sheds at the end of their growth cycle, so some degree of hair loss is normal. If you have excessive hair loss, it makes sense to first understand the possible causes. To better understand why this happens, we recommend that you also review the Hair Loss section.

There is a range of types of hair loss described in this section. Understanding the causes behind losing your hair can help you to make the best choice for your treatment.

There are many possible causes of hair loss, however most times it is normal, and part of each person’s genetic program. All of the following hair falling causes are explained in greater detail in this section:

Cause of 95% of all Hair Loss

Androgen tic alopecia is the scientific name for the genetic predisposition in both men and women for pattern baldness or pattern hair loss. Androgen tic alopecia is the cause of over 95% of all pattern hair losing, including baldness in men and thinning hair in women. Pattern hair loss occurs in somewhat predictable stages, and is relentlessly progressive. That means that those with pattern hair loss will, if they live long enough, eventually progress from the early stages of loss to the advanced stages.

We all suffer loss of hair; some people just arrive at the advance stages of hair losing sooner than others. Studies have shown that pattern hair loss is increasingly evident and advanced as people age.

Patchy Hair Loss

Alopecia aerate is an immune system disorder which causes hair follicles to stop producing hairs. Sudden losses of hair from small patches on the head are a common symptom. Advanced forms of the disorder include alopecia totalis, where all hair on the head is lost, and alopecia universals, which
results in the absence of all body hair.

Hair Pulling

Traction alopecia is the loss of hair from constant pulling, often the result of tightly braided hair styles.

Delayed Loss From Stress

Telogen effluvium is a slowing of new hair growth resulting from sudden severe stress, followed by delayed shedding of hair. The stress induces a high proportion of follicles to enter the resting stage, and a few months after the stressful event all of the resting follicles begin to shed hairs at about the same time.

Sudden Hair Loss

Anagen effluvium is the sudden loss of growing hairs as a result of
Chemicals or radiation. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy halt the growth phase of hair follicles, and result in sudden shedding of hair. Some medications can also cause to lose hair as a side effect.

Broken Hairs

Hair shaft breakage is when part of a hair breaks off, but the growing end remains in the follicle and continues to grow. Hair shaft breakage results
in thinner hair, and can be caused by excessive styling, chemicals, sun, and chlorine in swimming pools.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies are rarely a cause of hair loss. In rare cases certain nutritional deficiencies can cause weak hair shafts that tend to break off.

Other Hair Loss Causes

Certain chronic Illnesses can result in losing hair. Hormone-related irregularities can include losing hair among other symptoms. Skin infections can result in some loss of hair. Trauma such as burns and injury to hair follicles can cause permanent hair loss.

Excessive Combing or Brushing

This will ultimately break off hair and cause premature thinning of the Extension hair.

Unattended Matting and Tangling

Left uncorrected, excessive matting and tangling that is then removed forcefully will tighten the matted hair and tear out the hair.


From pillows or overly aggressive shampooing will break off the hair and thin and tear out the hair.